Thursday, September 27, 2007

Here we go

The biggest game of the season is tonight for the Phillies. They face John Smoltz, the Braves' best pitcher, while they throw Kyle Kendrick, their youngest.

The Phillies absolutely, positively need to win this game to still have a realistic chance of making the playoffs. And the game starts in 18 minutes, and I'm nervous.

Will the Phillies' hitters be loose enough? Will they watch Smoltz closely enough to have better luck against him the second time through the order? Will they take enough pitches to make him work? And will Kendrick shut down the Braves' hitters, who will be hacking with impunity knowing that they have nothing to play for and nothing to lose?

Let's find out. And let's feel like we want to vomit. Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats man. Its all over but the raising of the banner in Citizens Bank and the ticker tape parade down Broad Street.
