Thursday, July 26, 2007

Suddenly busy

Out of nowhere, several time-consuming but attractive assignments have landed on my work agenda.
  • Friday morning, a photographer and I will be in the room while a heart surgery is performed. We'll interview the patient beforehand and the doctor afterhand.
  • Monday morning, the same photographer and I are scheduled to do something ridiculous: "review" a refurbished highway cutting through Louisville. We'll drive it as soon as it reopens after a monthlong closure and see how smooth it is, etc.
  • Also next week, we're riding in a B-17 bomber for some reason I haven't determined yet, but there you are.
But uncoolly, Chase Utley broke his hand and will be out for several weeks at least. Wonder if the Phillies can trade for Mark Loretta or something.


  1. Nah - I expect Abraham Nunez will be playing second base for a while. Man, you could hear the sound when it hit - ARGHHHH!

    We don't need Mark Loretta as much as Brett Myers to come back. Sheesh!

  2. Remember how excited Rich was about the opening of the Exton Bypass - wanted to be the first person to drive on it!
