Saturday, February 16, 2008


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Did I mention how much I hate titling blog posts?

Anyway, here I am! I'm writing from the kitchen table of my new place. It's somewhat more divided than a studio, more suburban than an apartment, more private than an in-law suite and almost certain to have once been a garage.

It's not Shangri-La, it doesn't compare to our home in Louisville, but it is nice. It actually is nice, despite the amalgamated description in the last paragraph.

It's three rooms, all nicely separated. Bathroom, living room, kitchen. By the way, the count is: two TV's, zero bedrooms. There was a 6-inch TV on a corner ledge in the kitchen when I got here.

The place is attached to the side of a top-and-bottom duplex in the far south end of Brigantine, an island reachable by car in only one way: a bridge from the Atlantic City marina district, home to Borgata, Harrah's and (ugh) Trump Marina.

Top floor is my landlady (is it strange that that term sounds even stranger than the equally antiquated "landlord"?) and her kids, bottom floor is another tenant and his kids. The house is about 200 meters from the beach and 100 meters from the bay (a fishing hotbed) between the island and Atlantic City.

Holly has the digital camera, so no pictures for now.

I'm on a three-month lease until May 15 with a mutual option to renew, and I'm pretty certain I'll try to renew unless she bumps up the rent for the summer. I'm also pretty certain I would love to not have to move again anytime soon. I'm entirely certain I would not like to spend another month as untethered as the one that just passed, although my aunt and uncle in Stone Harbor were fantastically hospitable.

I guess that's it for now. I'm going to do some grocery shopping, etc., then go for a run.


  1. Hooray!

    When we were giving Lea her dinner, Brian asked, "What do you think your uncle's doing?" I answered, "He's probably playing Super Nintendo and eating a frozen pizza." Brian got a little glimmer in his eye and said, "That'd be aweso-"

    If I could raise one eyebrow, I would have had something to do while I was saying, "Awesomer than having a wife?"

  2. hahahahahaahah

    Whenever my grandmother travels somewhere by herself, my grandfather gets excited because he "gets to" eat frozen dinners for a few days. My grandmother's a really good cook, too. I guess boys just never grow out of it?

  3. I can vouch for the new pad - very comfy - roomier than you'd expect - sunny. Nice kitchen and bathroom, too.

    Nana is planning a trip on the Mississippi this summer - and worries that Granddad needs to be looked after - I think he'll enjoy fending for himself.
